Notes on TOSCA

The Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) is a standard defined by the OASIS organization. It defines a language to model (cloud) applications to automate their provisioning and management. Thereby, TOSCA is vendor and technology independent and aims at defining applications in a portable and interoperable manner.

In general, there are two different flavours built in to TOSCA: (i) declarative modeling and (ii) imperative modeling. While the traditional, declarative way to model an application is in the form of a Topology Template, i.e., a graph that describes the application’s components and their relations, it also supports imperative workflows that exactly state the tasks and their order in which they have to be processed. However, since we can automatically generate the imperative workflows based on the declarative model, Winery focuses mainly on the creation of the component’s types, i.e., Node Types, and whole applications, i.e., Service Templates that add additional meta-information and wrap a Topology Template.

For more details about the standard, go to the specifications as linked below. For more documentation about how to model an application using Winery and the OpenTOSCA ecosystem, see <../user/xml/index.rst>.


TOSCA 1.0 XML (Deprecated)

Example TOSCA YAML Files

Available TOSCA Implementations